Thellungiella halophila (salsuginea) workshop, September 6-8 2004, Paris, France - Participants

Anna Amtmann
IBLS Bower Building
University of Glasgow
Glasgow G12 8QQ
Tel: 44.141.3305393
Fax: 44.141.3304447
General: Ion transport in plant K homeostasis and salt stress.
Specific: Characterization of ion transport pathways in roots and leaves of Thellungiella halophila, proteomics of T. halophila.
Patch clamp; ICP; Micro arrays; 2-D gel electrophoresis, MS; Heterologous expression in yeast and Xenopus.
Arie Altman
Institute of Plants Sciences and Genetics in Agriculture
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
P.O. Box 12 Rehovot, 76100
Tel: 972-8-9489477
Fax: 972-8-9489899
General: Molecular and physiological control of abiotic stress tolerance in plants.
Specific: The role boiling-stable chaperone-like proteins and of glycine-betaine in plant response to drought, salinity and osmotic stress, using also transformation with the relevant specific genes in Poplar, Arabidopsis, Thellungiella and Tomato.
Transformation and tissue culture, cDNA, protein structure-function, in vitro assays of chaperone activity
Albert de Boer
Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences
Dept. of Developmental Genetics
Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan
1085, 1081 HV Amsterdam
 The Netherlands
Tel: 31.20.444.7162
Fax: 31.20.444.7155
General: Role of 14-3-3 proteins in plant growth and adaptation to abiotic stress.
Specific: Regulation of the H+-ATPase and ion channels in germinating seeds during salt stress and treatment with abscisic acid
Recombinant protein production; Protein affinity chromatography; RNAi; Mutant screens; Electrophysiology
Hans Bohnert
Dept. Plant Biology
Dept. Crop Sciences
University of Illinois
1201 W. Gregory Drive
Urbana, IL 61801
Tel: 217-265-5475
Fax: 217-333-5574
General: Abiotic stress-related transcription programs in yeast, Arabidopsis, Thellungiella, corn, rice, barley; Eco-arrays - field-grown plants in elevated CO2 and ozone.
Specific: Suppression of stress tolerance Arabidopsis genes in Thellungiella, paralogs of Arabidopsis genes in Thellungiella.
Characterization of gene regulation
cDNA libraries; Expression profiles; Micro arrays; Metabolites by GC-MS; RNAi; Plant transformation; Mutant screens; Physiological techniques; Paralog-ortholog analyses
Alain Bouchereau

Laurent Leport

Osmoadaption and stress
metabolism group
UMR CNRS 6026, Bât. 14A
Université de Rennes 1
Av. Gal Leclerc, 35042 Rennes
Tel: +33-(0) 2 23 23 69 97
Fax: +33-(0) 2 23 23 69 15
General: Biochemical and molecular investigations of abiotic (salinity, drought) stress metabolism in higher plants.
Specific: Significance of compatible solute (i.e. proline, betaine, cyclitols) accumulation and related metabolic adjustments in halophytic and glycophytic plants under osmotic or salt stress.
Gene expression profiling, Metabolic phenotyping (sugars, amino acids, organic acids, fatty acids, polyamines, betaines); Radio-tracing experiments; Water status measurements; Gas exchange measurements; Plants systems: Canola, A. thaliana, Limonium sp.
Ray Bressan
Center for Plant Environmental Stress Physiology
Purdue University
625 Agriculture Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2010
Tel: 765-494-1336
Fax: 765-494-0391
General: Molecular genetic determinants of abiotic and biotic stress tolerance of plants and agricultural biotechnology.
Specific: Generation of mutant Thellungiella populations by T-DNA activation tagging and screening for genotypes with altered stress responsiveness.
T-DNA activation tagging; Development of new transformation systems; Tissue culture.
Ziyi Cao Department of Biology
Shandong Normal University
88 East Wenhua Rd.
Jinan 250014
P.R. China
Tel/Fax: +86-531-6180764
General: Salt tolerance of Halophytes, Molecular genetics of salt tolerance and Genetic engineering of salt tolerance.
Specific: Genetic polymorphism of Thellungiella halophila ecotypes. T-DNA mutagenesis of Thellungiella.
Genetics; Proteomics; Gene cloning; transformation; genetic mapping.
Wieland Fricke
Division of Biological Sciences
University of Paisley
Paisley PA1 3BE
Tel: 44.1418483131
Fax: 44.1418483663
General: Leaf growth, mineral nutrition and water & solute relations; salinity.
Specific: Biophysical control of leaf cell elongation; solute and water transport, and solute compartmentation in leaf tissues.
Energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis of pl-samples; Cell pressure probe; Picolitre osmomentry; SEM
Marilyn Griffith
Department of Biology
University of Waterloo
200 University Ave
West Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
Tel: 519-888-4567 (ext. 6441)
Fax: 519-746-0614
General: Tolerance to cold and Freezing.
Specific: Characterization of freezing tolerance, sensitivity to cold temperature photo-inhibition.
Chlorophyll fluorescence, freezing experiments; Ice nucleation assays, Assays of freezing tolerance (LT50)
Barbara Moffatt
Department of Biology
University of Waterloo
200 University Ave.
West Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
Tel: 519-888-4567 (ext. 2517)
Fax: 519-746-0614
General: Tolerance to cold and freezing. Molecular biology of methyl cycling.
Specific: ESTs and micro arrays of genes induced by high salt, cold and drought in the Thellungiella
Micro arrays; Cloning; Transformation
Jose M. Pardo
Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiologia
Consejo Superior de
 Investigaciones Cientificas
Reina Mercedes, 10 Sevilla 41012
Tel: (+34) 954 62 47 11
Fax: (+34) 954 62 40 02
General: Salinity tolerance of plants. Sodium and potassium transport.
Specific: Genetic determinates of environmental stress tolerance of Thellungiella halophila
Cation transporters; Heterologous expressions in yeast, ICP.
Arnould Savouré
Cellular and Molecular Plant Physiology
UMR 7632 CNRS, Case 156
Université  Pierre & Marie Curie
4 Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris 5
Tel/Fax: +33-(0)1 44 27 26 72
General: Molecular mechanisms underlying plant water stress adaptation.
Specific: Characterization of the signaling pathways involved in the regulation of pectin methyl esterase on cell wall properties and of proline metabolism upon water stress.
Macrorrays; Enzyme activities; Protein gel electrophorsis; Lipid analysis; Heterologous expression
Erik Souer
Dep. of Ecology and Physiology of Plants
Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan
1085, 1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31-20-4447050
Fax: +31-20-4447123
General: Molecular responses to salt and dehydration stress.
Specific: Gene Expression profiling and T-DNA tagging in Thellungiella halophila
cDNA AFLP; Plant transformation
Teruaki Taji
Shinozaki Lab
3-1-1 Koyadai Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0074
Tel: 81-29-836-4359
Fax: 81-29-836-9060
General: Signaling pathways involved in plant responses to environmental stresses.
Specific: Transcriptomics of Thellungiella halophila
Elizabeth Weretilnyk
Department of Biology
McMaster University
Hamilton ON, L8S 4K1
Tel: 905.525.9140 (Ext. 24573)
Fax: 905.522.6066
General: Biochemical and molecular genetic analysis of plant metabolic adaptations toward environmental stress.
Specific: Metabolomics of Thellungiella salsuginea in response to high salt, cold and drought.
Mass spectrometry; Water potential; Physiological techniques
Jian-Kang Zhu
Department of Botany and Plant Sciences
Institute for Integrative Genome Biology
University of California
2150 Batchelor Hall
Riverside CA, 92521
Tel: 1-951-827-7117
Fax: 1-951-827-7115
General: Signaling pathways involved in plant responses to environmental stresses. Identification of key genes for modifying the responses of crops to environmental stresses.
Specific: Screening and analysis of stress-oversensitive Arabidopsis thaliana and Thellungiella halophila mutants.
Genetics; Protein biochemistry; Proteomics; Promoter-reporter constructs; Transcriptional and post transcriptional gene silencing

Specific topic: Thellungiella

Inan G et al. (2003) Salt cress (Thellungiella halophila): A halophyte and cryophyte Arabidopsis relative model system (ARMS) and its applicability to melecular genetic analyses of growth and development extremophiles. (RAB, HJB, JKZ).

Volkov V et al. (2004) Thellungiella halophila, a salt-tolerant relative to Arabidopsis thaliana, possesses effective mechanisms to discriminate between potassium and sodium. Plant, Cell Environ 27, 1-14 (AA, WF).

Teusink RS et al. (2002) Cuticular waxes on Arabidopsis thaliana close relatives Thellungiella halophila and Thellungiella parvula. Int J Plant Sci 163: 309-315 (RAB).

Bressan RA et al. (2001) Learning from the Arabidopsis Experience. The next gene search paradigm. Plants Physiol 127, 1354-1360 (RAB, HJB, JKZ).

General topic: Abiotic stress

De Boer AH, Volkov V (2003) Logistics of water and salt transport through the plant: structure and functioning of the xylem. Plant Cell Environ. 26 (1): 87-101 (AHB).

Maathuis FJM et al. (2003) Transcriptome analysis of root transporters reveals participation of multiple gene families in response to cation stress. Plant J 35 (6): 675-692 (AA).

Shi HZ et al. (2003) Over-expression of a plasma membrane Na+/H+ antiporter gene improves salt tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature Biotech 21 (1): 81-85 (JKZ).

Golldack D et al. (2002) Characterization of a HKT-type transporter in rice as a general alkali cation transporter. Plant J. 31 (4): 529-542 (HJB).

Fricke W (2002) Biophysical limitation of cell elongation in cereal leaves. Ann Bot. 90 (2) 157-167 (WF).

Fricke W, Peters WS (2002) The biophysics of leaf growth in salt-stressed barley. A study at the cell level. Plant Physiol. 129 (1): 374-388 (WF)

Gong ZZ et al. (2002) RNA helicase-like protein as an early regulator of transcription factors for plant chilling and freezing tolerance. PNAS. 99 (17): 11507-11512 (JKZ).

Hasegawa PM et al. (2000) Plant cellular and molecular responses to high salinity. Ann Rev Plant Phys. 51: 463-499 (HJB, RAB, JKZ).

Koiwa H et al. (2002) C-terminal domain phosphatase-like family members (AtCPLs) differentially regulate Arabidopsis thaliana abiotic stress signaling, growth and development. PNAS. 99 (16): 10893-10898 (RAB).

Su H et al. (2002) Zhu JH et al. (2002) OSM1/SYP61: A syntaxin protein in Arabidopsis controls Abscisic acid-mediated and non-abscisic acid-mediated responses to abiotic stress. Plant Cell. 14 (12): 3009-3028 (RAB).

Amtmann A et al. (2001) The wheat cDNA LCT1 generates hypersensitivity to sodium in salt-sensitive yeast strain. Plant Physiol. 126 (3) 1061-1071 (AA).

Bunney TD et al. (2001) 14-3-3 protein is a regulator of the mitochondrial and chloroplast ATP synthase. PNAS. 98 (7): 4249-4254 (AHB).

Kawasaki S et al. (2001) Gene expression profiles during the initial phase of salt stress in rice. Plant Cell. 13 (4): 889-905 (HJB).

Weretilnyk EA et al. (2001) Maintaining methylation activities during salt stress. The involvement of adenosine kinase. Plant Physiol. 125 (2): 856-865 (EAW).

Yu XM et al. (2001) Ethylene induces antifreeze activity in winter rye leaves. Plant Physiol. 126 (3): 1232-1240 (MG).

Yeh S et al. (2000) Chitinase genes responsive to cold encode antifreeze proteins in winter cereals. Plant Physiol. 124 (3): 1251-1263 (BAM, MG).

Savoure A et al. (1999) NaCl and CuSO4 treatments trigger distinct oxidative defense mechanisms in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia L. Plant Cell Environ. 22: 387-396 (AS).

van Houwelingen A et al. (1999) Epigenetic interactions among three dTph1 transposons in two homologous chromosomes activate a new excision-repair mechanism in petunia. Plant Cell.11 (7): 1319-1336 (ES).

Savoure A et al. (1998) Abscisic acid-independent and abscisic acid-dependent regulation of proline biosynthesis following cold and osmotic stresses in Arabidopsis thaliana. Mol Gen Genetics. 254 (1): 104-109 (AS).

Wang, W.G. et al. (2002) cDNA cloning, expression and characterization of SP1, an oligomeric water-stress responsive boiling stable protein. Plant Physiol. 130: 865-875 (AAL).

Wang, W. et al. (2003) Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of SP1, a novel chaperone-like protein. Acta Cryst. D59: 512-514 (AAL).

Wang, W. et al. (2003) Plant responses to drought, salinity and extreme temperatures: towards genetic engineering for stress tolerance. Planta 218: 1-14 (AAL).